Making a DIY facial soap with essential oils is a great way to care for your skin and to save money! Finding inexpensive solutions in your natural living journey is crucial. I hope you find this DIY facial soap with essential oils just that!

Why make a DIY facial soap?
When it comes to cosmetics, it seems strange to try a DIY solution. After all, there are numerous skin care lines out there who have done the work for you already. Also, there has been a surge of “health” or “cleaner” products on the market in the last 5 or so years. So why not just buy one of those?
Well you totally can! I am not here to tell you to stop buying anything commercially made. I have my back ups in my bathroom vanity. And if you can find a brand out there that you can really trust and works great for your skin, by all means, enjoy!
However, in my last 2.5 years of searching for that just right brand I can trust to be “clean” or “natural” that will also fit the size of my wallet… I just haven’t found it. So I personally needed to come up with a DIY solution.
Necessity breeds creativity.
My all-natural DIY skin care routine
In my post DIY Oil Cleansing Face Serum I talk about how I have transitioned to using oil cleansing as the primary way of washing my face for the last two years. This is still my primary way of washing my face.
However, about 1 or 2 times a week I need something a little stronger to do some deep cleaning of those pores. That is when I use this DIY facial soap with essential oils in combination with a facial spa massager, which acts as an exfoliant.
This DIY facial soap is perfect for that deeper weekly clean. It is a soap that is gentle and doesn’t dry out my skin, and it doesn’t come with all the harsh chemicals or a big price tag of many other options.

What is in a DIY facial soap?
As you will see in many of my homemade DIY cleaning or cosmetic solutions, I use Castile soap. It is an extremely cost effective and the most natural soap you can find. It makes a great basic soap for cosmetics because you can buy an unscented version, allowing you to add your own essential oils to it for the just right fragrance you want!
I typically use Dr. Bronner’s Unscented Castile soap.
My recipe also has witch hazel in it. Witch hazel is a great toner for your face. I have noticed it calms my skin down and makes it so soft!
Vitamin E Oil for softening and nourishing of the skin.
Essential oils. There are lots of different combinations of essential oils you can use depending on your skin type or needs. Here are some combinations you can try:

Acne prone skin
- Tea Tree oil
- Lavender
- Frankincense
- Lemon (I would be careful with this one; only use a small amount).
- Rosemary
Anti Aging
- Frankincense
- Blue Tangsy
- Helichrysum
- Rose
- Myrrh
- Lavendar
Reducing Redness
- Frankinscense
- Myrrh
- Copiaba
General cleanser
- Lavender
- Frankincense
- Copiaba

Here is the recipe:
1/4 of the foaming hand soap dispenser of castile soap.
About 1/4 of a cup of witch hazel.
10 drops of vitamin e oil.

Essential oils of choice.
Top the rest of the bottle up with water, leaving room for the pump to go in.
In a foaming hand soap dispenser put in ingredients in the order I have listed above.
Put the pump in.
Give it a good shake to mix together, and you have yourself a face wash!
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Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap – Unscented
Ways to save even more money
When I was starting out in this natural living journey, I didn’t want to buy all this stuff. I felt like it defeated the purpose.
So one way I saved money, as I kept all the foaming hand soap dispensers I had gotten from gifts of soap from bath and body works, hand soaps, etc. After I had finished using them, I took the labels off, washed them, and ta-da! I had a “free” foaming hand dispenser.
I realize this way you need to practice delayed gratification, so if it’s easier for you to dive all in, by all means do it! But if you wanted to find a way around it, safe those old soap dispensers and instead of buying more.

Revive Essential Oils
Another way I have saved money is by using Revive Essential Oils. I am someone who really wants the best essential oils out there, but I just literally don’t have the cash to fork over for these great oils. Until I found, Revive. Revive it a top grade essential oil company that has 100% purity in all there oils, and are 3rd party tested. They do not have a multi-level marketing campaign like other big names you may know, which eliminates the middle man and therefore the larger prices for you!
Check out Revive if you are in the same boat as me. Really wanting to use the best essentials but need a more budget friendly option.
To help you save even more money, Revive has given me a coupon code: HARBORHOME10 for 10% off your first oder and 5% off to returning customers.
I hope you enjoy Revive as much as I do!

Thank you so much for stopping by our Harbor Home today!
Do you have any questions about DIY or natural skin care products? Leave a comment. I would love to answer your questions below!
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