After my many years of learning how to pinch pennies have come up with these top 10 things that I make to save money.

When times are tough…
Learning how to be frugal and save money is a skill that will last you your whole life, even if you end up becoming wealthy later. As Dave Ramsey often suggests, the everyday millionaire is someone who lives debt free and frugally.
And we learn these skills when times are tough.
The things that will save money for you may be different than it was for me. However, the 10 things I list in this post are great skills to acquire to save money and enjoy all the good things in life!
I hope you enjoy reading about the 10 things I make to save money!
1. Bread

Even if you aren’t someone who eats alot of bread, it is such a cheap thing to make! I am someone who likes to make whole foods so I will make my own bread products regularly.
I have taught myself how to make lots of different kinds of bread products like english muffins, tortillas, pancakes and biscuits. This wide variety has opened lots of cheap meal opportunities.
When you make your own bread it comes down to pennies compared to the store prices. It may seem like bread is the cheapest thing at the store, and it is. But it doesn’t compare to the pennies it takes to make in your own kitchen.
If you love sourdough bread, check out my post on the benefits of sourdough, how to make your own starter and also my artisan sandwich sourdough bread recipe!
However, if you aren’t into sourdough bread, or don’t want to take the time to make it, using regular yeast is a great way to make bread at home!
2. Mayo
I have loved making mayo to save money and for the health benefits. It may not seem like it’s a big expense, but when you know how to make something in your kitchen it saves that one extra purchase off your grocery list, saving you money!

3. Yogurt
In my post about how to make your own yogurt in an Instant Pot I have a cost comparison of store bought yogurt compared to homemade yogurt. It’s literally half the cost.
Yogurt is something I like to have for my family as a cheap and healthy protein to fill our bellies. And when you make it at home you can sweeten it yourself with honey or maple syrup, leaving out all the extra sugar store bought yogurt adds!

4. Bone Broth
Bone Broth is another nutritional power house. And if you keep the bones you get from your cuts of meat… it’s basically a free meal! Nothing says savings like a free meal!
5. Sauces/Dressings
If you are like me, buying salad dressings or sauces are so tempting when you are at the grocery store. Yet, I am continually disappointed in them.
This may surprise you but I am not a big “salad” eater. I prefer to get my vegetables in more enjoyable ways like roasting, or in smoothies or soups. So buying salad dressing was always a way to hype myself up to eat more salads. But in reality I never liked them and they just sit in my refrigerator. Basically wasted money.

I now I am not the only one who has a few bottles of barely used dressing in their fridge. Try making your own dressings. You will save the money, and you will most likely make just what you need for your salad or dish instead of having a big bottle in your fridge going to waste.
Give this chipotle aioli a try for your first homemade sauce! It goes so well on just about anything!
6. Iced Coffee
Iced coffee is so expensive at the store and coffee house! And you only get a few glasses out of it. Not to mention the increasing prices at Starbucks or comparable coffee shops.
Luckily for me (and you) I have found the BEST and CHEAPEST homemade iced coffee recipe. And it’s very European! Check out this Fall Iced Coffee recipes and these Christmas Iced Coffee recipes to start saving cash.
7. Make as many meals as you can
This may seem like a no brainer, and I am sure I am not the first person to give you this advice. But here it is, become a pro home cook and make as many meals as you can at home!
I am someone who LOVES going out to eat, so when it was time for my family and I to strap down our budget I grieved this freedom. But it is something that is too obvious not to pay attention to if you are in a real need to have frugal finances.
If you need some inspirations on healthy and restaurant quality meals, check these out.
The BEST Gluten and Dairy Free Green Bean Casserole
Strawberry and Mint Salad with Herb Dressing
8. Cleaning products
This is another easy DIY you can try at home to save off a few bucks on your next store run! Check out my Cheap DIY Dust Rags and DIY Foaming Hand Soap with Essential Oils formulas and tutorials!
9. Lotions
I recently started dabbling in making my own lotions. I am still working on creating my favorite recipe, but this is something I have been doing to save money and also to promote good health in our home.
Most lotions and potions you buy at the store are filled with chemicals and toxins that we are unaware off. All you have to do is turn the bottle around and read the ingredients label to realize you have no idea what you are putting on your skin. When I started doing this is alarmed me what I was willing putting on my body without realizing it.
Anyway, I have found making my own lotions is great for my overall health but also is fairly inexpensive. If you compare prices of high end luxurious lotions, you will pay a pretty penny for them. But it turns our you can buy al ot of luxurious, natural ingredients and make lotions yourself!
Here is a link to my favorite face cream from the blog Our Oily House.
Leave a comment below if this is something you would be interested in learning more about. I would love to share with you my lotion recipe when I have it perfected!
10. Cosmetics

Making my own lotions leads me to this last item, cosmetics! Now, I am not taking mascara and foundation here, I am talking more face washes, glow serums, and face lotions.
For the last two years I have been using all natural homemade products to wash, hydrate and soothe my face to save money. And I am not turning back!
If you want to learn more about this read my posts on DIY Cleansing Oil and DIY Facial Soap.
I hope you enjoyed reading these 10 things I make to save money!
I have found over the years I can enjoy the things I love for less money if I just take a little time and energy to learn home to make them myself!
Please leave me a comment below if any of this resonated with you, and if you would like to learn more about my natural skin care routine and how to make homemade cosmetics!
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